ASA (After School Activities)

At ACS we view ASAs as an avenue for students to connect with teachers in a different way. Students have the chance to build friendships with peers and explore new interests that they may not always encounter. While we do have some outside providers,  most activities are offered primarily by our staff and they range from active games, quiet spaces, clubs, and tinkering to leisure activities. 

ASA's generally meet once per week on an 8-week cycle


After School Activities

ASA's run Sunday-Thursday, however, please note that there are limited offerings on Sundays as Sundays are sheltered for staff professional development after school,

ASA's are offered for KG students in Session Three.

*Please Note: ASA Session Three Sign up OPENS in PowerSchool at 9:00 am and will CLOSE at 9:00 am on Sunday, February 23rd.

After School Activities Offers for Session Three as below :